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Feliz Año Nuevo: Personal Recap
Feliz año nuevo (Happy new year)! It’s been a while since I’ve set time aside to write a post and I thank everyone that has been reading previous content in the meantime.
I wanted to drop a few tidbits of what I’ve been keeping busy with.
First, I have been continuing to collaborate with various nonprofits in NC to help their digital efforts to reach more voters through their Get Out the Vote campaigns.
I’ve helped created some websites, some backend functionality to capture data for future GOTV organizing efforts, and served as a consultant to offer organizations advice for their digital toolset needs.
Second, I’ve continued to focus on my career as a software developer and have taken up management responsibilities at work. My company also has been backing several efforts of DEI and I’ve been giving a couple of presentations. They have been about my journey as a DACAmented Mexican American, about Climate Change and how Software Engineering can help tackle the Climate Crisis, and the difference between Hispanic and Latinx.
Third, I took a course on Climate Change for Software Engineers through Terra.do. It was super insightful and inspired my presentation at work about it. I’m super excited to continue my work as a software developer and interlacing a Climate Action focus into my day to day work.
I’m excited for what this year brings and how we can continue to grow the content available for undocumented individuals. One post that I will do my best to write up in the near future will be regarding Advance Parole. If you haven’t looked into exploring this opportunity for you with an Immigration Attorney I 100% recommend you get a consultation at the very minimum.
I have sent in an application in September 2021 and am awaiting the results. You can find some content on the subject here.
Last but not least, I want to give a huge shoutout to everyone that is working hard to improve themselves and their future. Remember to take care of your mental health.
I’ll leave y’all with a quote,
“Leadership, I have found, is about empowering others to move the mission forward. Not a lot about having the spotlight, but how you can help shine the spotlight onto others.”
– Oscar R.