4 min read

What’s Going On in 2022?
Hello everyone! It’s been quite some time now, but I haven’t forgotten about the website. Simply continuing to balance my time into many different projects. I’ve done some work with some nonprofits to create some website experiences with voter engagement in English/Spanish. I’ve changed jobs and am working with a nonprofit organization now that provides coaching for other organizations, labor unions, campaigns, etc to accomplish their goals through relational organizing.
I can’t say enough how happy I’ve been to join such a cool project. My personal responsibilities at this job are as a Senior Software Engineer. I still read that title and can’t believe the journey it’s been to get it. I’ll share a small snapshot about it with you.
In the fall of 2018 I finished an internal bootcamp at Red Ventures. I was promoted to mid-level Engineer in the Spring of 2021. In the summer of the same year I was given an opportunity with Levvel, an Endava company, to start working with them as a Senior Software Engineering Consultant on a couple of their projects. It was great! I then came across this last opportunity and just moved over this Spring, 2022 to the Empower Project working on their web and mobile application.
Wow. All in all, I can’t be grateful enough for all the connections I’ve made and the amazing experience and wealth of knowledge I’ve gained by them.
I continue to also serve as a mentor for Golden Door Scholars to three current students in college. I learn much from them at our catchups. I have volunteered with several organizations in a presenter capacity on subjects about my journey in technology as an Undocumented American and about technologies/languages I’ve used as a software engineer. Shout out to Code the Dream, NC Justice Center, United We Dream, Define American, Techqueria, Dreamers in Tech, Our Turn, Sunrise Movement, El Pueblo, UndocuProfessionals Network, Climate Action Tech, Poder NC Action, Ragtag, and Tech for Campaigns.
I’ve been extremely lucky to participate in one way or another with each of these organizations and it’s been so rewarding!
Last couple org mentions, but not least, the Democracy at Work Institute (DAWI) and LatinxEd. I’ve been given the humble honor of serving as an advising member for the great work that DAWI is doing through worker-owned coops and their other initiatives. LatinxEd has also given me the opportunity to serve as a board member for the first time in my life. It’s been an enriching experience and I’ve met so many other Latinés that are doing great work.
I went through a six week program to learn more about what actions I can take as a software engineer in the Climate space with Terra.do. It was a great learning experience and they have several programs for anyone looking to learn and/or transition into the Climate space.
I’ve also had the privilege to be a guest speaker recently on two awesome podcasts
I’ll also link to previous guest speaker opportunities I’ve had
It was such a humbling and exciting opportunity to chat with each of these individuals and answer questions that hopefully help their audience and those that need the guidance or exposure to seeing that we can be in these spaces.
The final update has been the great opportunity to serve as the subject of a documentary. Shout out to my good friend, Duncan! Stay tuned for whole film in the next year or so. For now, feel free to check out the trailer and follow the Instagram account to get the most up to date news on it.
I’ve definitely missed a ton of other updates but hoping that these serve as a small snippet into the continued journey with My Undocu Life.
Wishing you all the best. Feel free to contact me as always on any of my contact points on my personal site.